Monday, October 11, 2010

Eating Like a Kid

Today I would like to write a small thank you note to my son. Please don't click away just yet. It won't be any deep emotional stuff this time. While I have millions of great things to thank him for this one is just a little thing that takes me back to yester year.

I have mentioned eating all kinds of things since Braden arrived. I may be licking some sort of sauce off my hand or eating crumbs off the floor.

Sometimes I can be found polishing off a left over fish stick. We can't afford to waste food, even frozen sticks made of various types of fish.

Another of my favorite eating hobbies is flat out eating right from Braden's bowl whether it be chips, pretzels, crackers, or the subject of today's post, Honeycombs.

Thank you Braden for reintroducing me to the yummy goodness that is Honeycombs. Oh how I have missed you little crunchy combs of sweetness.

Now 3 or 4 times a week the first thing I do when Braden goes to bed is pour a bowl of cereal. Honeycombs make the perfect late night snack. All those years I was being all grown up and having a night cap were just wasted.

I should have been eating cereal and drinking sugar milk.  (compliments to Mr. Ron Mattocks)


Manic Mommy said...

I distinctly remember my aunt informing me that the way to lose the baby weight is to *not* finish your child's food. I gave her a "whatever" look and moved on.

Fast forward six months to me polishing off HRH's grilled cheese and it was like a lightning bolt. Sorry, Auntie Marie. You were so right!

Keith Wilcox said...

My friend and i had an eating contest when we were in high school The contest was to see who could eat more bowls of Honey Combs. We both went to private schools so we took over a section of the refectory and had our friends deliver the cereal. We estimated that each of us ate about a box and a half before we couldn't eat any more :-) Nobody won.

Mike said...

I used to love Honeycombs because of the size of the cereal and box! lol

WeaselMomma said...

You have to run out and get yourself a box of boo-beery or franken-berry cereal!

Tom said...

Oh yes. The delicious things you are re-introduced to once the kids come along. How easily they become a larger and larger part of your diet. But as the previous poster noted, you have to watch out. It all catches up to you.

Rob said...

Honeycombs are awesome and Cookie Crisp are also great and perfect for late night snacking with or without milk :)

Jack Steiner said...

I made the mistake of being the human garbage can behind my son. Put on 12 pounds doing that.

Keep your eyes open.

triles said...

I like to surprise my girls with some Lucky Charms every once in a while. Makes it a lot easier to get them out of bed on school days let me tell ya.

Katherine said...

I have started eating cereal again for breakfast on the weekends thanks to Ethan. Good stuff....those honey nut Cheerios.

john cave osborne said...

come to the honeycomb hideout.

remember the commercials w/ andre the giant?

honeycomb's big. yeah, yeah, yeah. then he'd sing

"it's not small." classic. and braden's right. they are good. glad he hooked you back up, brother...