Grab your favorite adult beverage and salty snack. Place your rear end in a comfy chair. It's time again for Random Tuesday Thoughts.
- I got the business card and personal cell phone number of a retired 4-star general last week. Don't mess with me.
- While he was at the office I noticed I said "sir" a lot. As far as I know I did not answer any questions with "sir, yes sir!"
- I knew a guy in college that could recite the license plate of everyone he knew. It was a bit disturbing. He was like the license plate rain man.
- Speaking of license plates, does anyone else notice every plate with the same letter combos as their own? Arica's last car had LSD for the letters. As an extremely mature adult I found that very funny. Now I am spotting LSD plates all over the state.
- At the lake this weekend Arica and I found the perfect cove for relaxing. That was until we were joined by the idiot triplets riding laps around us on their Sea Doo's. I gave serious consideration to swimming out there and strangling them. Instead I did my best Rodney Dangerfield from Caddyshack. "What is this? Hell's Angels?"
- The coffee pot at work broke Monday. As far as I can tell the order of importance in the office is electricity then coffee pot. The only reason electricity is number one is because the coffee pot won't work without it.
- I got a new laptop at work yesterday. After about six years it is the equivalent of upgrading from a Volkswagon Rabbit to a Ferrari.
- The good thing about computer upgrades is you can get a new Ferrari for the same price you paid for the Rabbit.
- The bad thing is the Ferrari unceremoniously morphs into a Chevy Nova in a few short years.
- The upgrade is causing me plenty of headaches. My old computer is so crappy that it crashes every time I try to transfer all my files. I guess I am going to transfer them via the USB flash drive. I have to go now and start the transfer because it will take me all day.
I love and hate new computers. making it perfect and exactly how i want it is such a pain. but ya - ferrari.
i always try to figure out what the personalized tags say and mean and come up with my own. i need the udntknw one. lol
I couldn't grab my favorite beverage, it's still in the a.m., so I grabbed my second favorite, an iced coffee.
I'd be in tears if my coffee pot broke. My older sister would be in a rage. We just can't going with the a.m. java.
I've been learning more and more about computers and what they can do since I started blogging. Before that I used whatever program I needed. I was afraid if I really started to use the computer, I'd blow it up. I find computers fascinating and frustrating. We have the Volkswagon at home. I want the Ferrari. When I get a full time job, the first thing I'm doing is getting a Ferrari all for myself. No more sharing with the kids.
Have a great day, Sir!
Computers. Meh. They promise faster and faster but end up getting more and more bogged down, until they end up with as much performance as an IBM PC XT.
This weekend I sweated through four hours of frantic, frustrating attempts at resolving a problem with my USB 2.0 ports. Finally uninstalled them all, let them re-install themselves, rebooted, and now everything's fine. Couldn't find a bit of help online for that, had to come up with that solution myself.
Sweet! Does that mean you can call in an airstrike if you need one? Retired or not, he still has some connections, right?
I feel for you on the whole data transfer, my laptop is a year old and is already approaching Nova status - Vista SUCKS. I think I'm going Mac with the next one. Don't know if that will help, but its got to be better than this bloated Windows OS.
Glad your elbow-rubbing with the 4-Star general hasn't gone to your head. Hee! Hee! Er ummm, SIR!
I'm loving and fighting with my new laptop as well. Mostly fighting with my oldie and loving my newbie though...but you get the picture.
I am the type of caffeine addict that always has an extra NEW coffee maker in the basement closet--you know, just in case I wake up one morning to find the old one not working. A girl's gotta' have back-up you know?! Just in case.....
I've also got a "back-up" blow dryer and curling iron but that's a whole other story that you probably don't care to hear about. Apparently it is an OCD girl-thang......
Now if the electricity goes out, I am screwed.......
Love the Rodney Dangerfield quote. I've wanted to use that same one myself a few times.
Can't work without coffee, which might explain why I'm not working right now. No coffee...
My husband is in the military and I say "sir, yes sir," to mess with him.
For some reason, I just don't like home brewed coffee, There is nothing like Dunkin Donut coffee in a to go cup!
I saw a plate the other day that spelled "Harem" I even took a picture because I thought it was awesome!
At work I once had a diet coke (my version of coffee) "incident" with my laptop and tech just pulled the hard drive out and put it into a new one! I was thoroughly impressed. Not that that is helpful at all, but it was pretty cool.
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