Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

You can count me as one of those guys who never really understood Valentines Day. It seemed like a corporate created holiday to sell cards, flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. Why do we need a day to say I love you?  Shouldn't we be doing that every day? Do we really need cliched gifts and Hallmark memorabilia shoved down our throats?

I have to say that I've changed my mind a bit on the subject.  With a baby/toddler in our lives the marriage relationship doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.  The cycle is work, child, chores rinse repeat.  By the time Braden goes to bed there are only a couple hours left in the day for me and Arica.  By then we are worn out, especially Arica.  How she keeps up with that whirling ball of energy we call Braden is a mystery to me.  I would be a more capable replacement for a brain surgeon than for her.  I could never do her job.

That is why I am now glad that there is a Valentines Day.  It is nice to have an extra day to remember Arica and all that she does for me and Braden.  I wish I could say that I treat her like every day is Valentines Day, but that is just not true.  Because of all she does and all I don't do, I am really happy to have another special day this year to show her how much I care.

So with that I want to say Happy Valentines Day Arica!  I love you.


Brandy@YDK said...

what a sweet tribute

Manic Mommy said...

That is just so sweet! I'm sure Arica appreciates the props. We all need 'em.

We (where we = Andy) are in the process of burning our home movies onto DVDs. Andy's comment: "we looks so tired..."

Rob said...

I agree that kids and life take a front seat to I love you and marriage. So Valentine's is a nice nice to tell the people in our lives that we love them.

WeaselMomma said...

Be it Feb. 14th or any other day, it's important to force yourselves to take time out for each other along the way.

Brian Miller said...

hope you have a great valentine's!

seashore subjects said...

It is nice to have a special day to share and take time to be a couple. I wish you both a great day.

SurprisedMom said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

rxBambi said...

very sweet! I hope you remembered a card and flowers too tho. And maybe the new pink diamond ring that I wanted but didn't get...

hope you 3 had a great day :)

Anonymous said...

I'm clearly in the hate VD category, mostly because of the commercial hyperbole that is spewed by marketers. I can't even buy VD cards that I like because they make men sound like either absent minded morons or Neaderthals. It is good to celebrate the spirit of the day, as I'm sure it was originally intended, but you'll never catch me coming out of "Jared" with some bauble to go with over priced flowers I bought earlier.