Wednesday, May 20, 2009

100th Post

Today is my 100th post. I can't believe that I have written about 100 different things. You can certainly chalk that up to the trials of fatherhood. Before Braden came on the scene I didn't have 100 different things happen to me in a year. I could have posted a daily schedule and left it up for 12 months. Now every day is a new adventure that I can share in this space.

I started blogging as a creative outlet. I enjoy writing, but have nowhere to do that, save for a few long winded emails. Add that to the fact that I was about to embark on the biggest life changing event of my being, and it seemed like a good time to try this whole blogging thing out.

I selfishly wrote only in hopes that others would read what I had to say. I desperately wanted people to read my blog and enjoy it. I wanted people to think I was funny and intelligent. What never occurred to me is that I would find people that I enjoy reading every day. It never occurred to me that I might learn something. It never occurred to me that I might actually get some type of social experience from this endeavor. It turns out a lot of things never occur to me, but that doesn't keep me from noticing those things now.

I have had a great time through these first 100 posts. I am amazed that I am actually gaining readers at this point rather than losing them. So today on this monumental occasion I want to thank everyone who has ever stopped by this site even one time. Thanks to those of you who read and comment regularly. Thanks to those of you who have linked to this site and have given me good reviews. This blogging is a lot of fun and I hope to keep it up for a long while.

Most of all thanks to Braden and Arica for letting me share our lives via the magic of the Internet. Braden, in case you read this years from now, I got your permission. You just don't remember.


GreenJello said...

Happy 100 posts! May you have 100+ more. :)

WeaselMomma said...

Wow! That was fast. 100 already? Congrats! I want 100's more.

Anonymous said...

Comin' in at about post 95 and that means I need a rocking chair to catch up.
You're quite the story teller and I'll just bet little Braden loves story time as well.
:) I'm happy to be here thank you!

Tyler - Building Camelot said...

Congrats man! I think most blogs barely make it past the first few posts...if that far. Keep it up man and hope the next 100 are just as good.

JonnyTam13 said...

Happy 100! Thanks for writing..I know I've enjoyed reading!

Melisa Wells said...

Wow dude, 100 already? Time flies when you're having fun!

Congrats! :)

Lifeofkaylen said...

100 posts!!! Congrats!!!
It really is a great achievement and I think one that your kids will someday look back on and laugh or be horrified over.

Banteringblonde said...

happy 100!

SurprisedMom said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! I'm looking forward to your next 100 and beyond! Thanks for sharing your life with your readers!

Mocha Dad said...

Congrats on 100 posts. Being a father provides you with much material. I can't wait to read the next 100.

Daddy Files said...

Happy 100th. The whole blogging phenomenon has been very strange, but really enriching too. I never thought I'd care about total strangers and what's going on in their lives so much, but I do. Lately I think I've talked to my blog friends more than my actual real life friends.

Keep on truckin', we'll keep reading.

PJ Mullen said...

Wow, 100 already...good for you...I'm nearing that mark, but with vacation on the horizon it may take me another few weeks...keep up the good work, pj

Tom said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! You are pretty prolific writer, which is a great thing. Keep up the great content and enjoy the ride; kids are an endless source of material.